Bulletin June 9, 2024


June 9, 2024 

The Prelude & Lighting Candle

Call to Worship: There’s Something About that Name – Page 134

The Welcome and Invocation: Dennis Wilkes

 Affirmation of Faith:  The Apostles’ Creed – Page – Inside Cover


Hymn of Grace: Rescue the Perishing – Page 457

Hymn of Grace: Bringing in the Sheaves – Page 464

Responsive Reading: The Great Commission – Page 462

Celebrations, Joys and Concerns: Dennis Wilkes

Lord’s Prayer: Congregation

Gloria Patri – Page 33


The offering plate is available at the entry of the church(The Narthex).

Sermon: The Mission of the Church

Luke 4:18-19   –  Matthew 28:18-20

Closing: Savior Like a Shepherd Leas Us – Page 130

Closing Prayer and Benediction: Dennis Wilkes

Prayer List:

Rylan Gowder (Roger and Faye Craven grandson), Austin Ivester, Elizabeth Ivester,  Roger Ivester, Rita Dickmann, Ricky Hewell, 

Logan, Crystal Teague, Kathy Cothran,  Al Adams (Melody’s Brother), Lynn Phinney(Clifford’s daughter), Glenn McDaniel (Clifford’s Son), The Family of Linda Dean

The Pastor and all members of Confidence Methodist Church lift up all those in prayer during this time of worship.

Church Calendar and Updates:

  • Adult Sunday School @ 10:00 AM
  • Worship Service @11:00 AM
  • Bible Study Wednesday June 12 @ 6:00 PM
  • Stephens County Food2Kids. Our next collection will be July 7.  We will have a collection first Sunday of the Month

Birthday’s Celebrations for June: 

Hayden Norman 6/3, Melody Armstrong 6/17, Faye Craven 6/21, Terry Sellers 6/21, Joshua Teague 6/22

Anniversaries for June:


Notes: The Mission of the Church

What is the Mission for our congregation?  We will examine our responsibilities in mission today.

Home Phone – 706-282-0499

Web site – avalonngumc.org